Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wood Badge II

Well weekend 2 is over. I was not as emotional as I thought I would be. I am glad that the practical portion is over, although I kinda enjoyed the weekdend of camping without the children. The first 2 nights it rained of course, but I was warm and toasty in my tent and sleeping bag.

My tickets are all approved, of course I altered some before I got there. And now I am furiously trying to work on them. My goal was to have them completed by the end of the year but that may be pressing it a little. Oh well it will be worth it. Not only am I working on that but Jake is working on his Eagle Scout Project now and since I am the only Eagle advisor that anyone ever uses I get to help him with his as well. I am looking forward to it.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wood Badge

Well I came back from Wood Badge last week and I felt overwhelmed. I know I am not overwhelmed but I feel that way. I guess with all the information they give you in such a short amount of time you get that feeling. I am a there any othere animal? Anyway, the second weekend is coming up next week and I am looking forward to it. Really I am looking forward to it being over. I have a feeling that this weekend I will be much more emotional and I am not looking forward to that.

Several people from the pack are attending and I am excited to be able to work with them over the next few years. As well as a good friend from another pack. Things always work out better when there are people around that you know.

I have all 5 tickets done and 4 of them are awaiting approval by the Troop Guide. It makes it easy when you have a Troop that is in trouble to be able to use ticket items to help them out. Hopefully all will work out.

I had a number of tickets items that I wanted to work on and could have probably done 10 tickets or more. But need to pace myself and do those that are more important right now. I feel bad that I don't have any for the Cub Scout Packs that I am inolved in, but I have plans to alter some of my tickets for the Pack use as well. So it will all work out in the end.

Monday, April 14, 2008


What is it about boys that they have to have the best toys. We go around looking for the latest electronic equipment at Christmas, practically killing ourselves. We have to have the best when it comes to clothing. The shoes have to be the perfect ones, that all their friends have, of course. The belts, the hair, the wallets, the key chains, the backpacks. It all has to be perfect. They are just as bad as the girls.

Monday, January 21, 2008

A New Year a New Log

A new year has arrived and its time for a new blog. Check back soon for more updates.